Friday, September 29, 2017

ROBBLOG #654- W E E K E N D Edition

Friday and it's The Weekend Edition...which simply means I blog today and then not again till the end of the week. Somebody asked....

It's been a week where we have had both relaxing times and stressful times here on our Island.
Our lawyer called Tuesday.
She had received a letter from the elusive lady who purchased our Orillia Home- through her lawyer of course. It seems we were being accused of neglecting to tell her that we rented the hot water heater and furnace.
What the Farm Truck!!!!!
We did NOT have a rental H2O heater or furnace. In the letter was a request for us to fork over $3,300 to pay for damages- and heartache we guess.

Couldn't the owner have give us a ringy-dingy and simply ask- Hey Rob and Tom is my heater and furnace rented?
She had to go screaming to her lawyer and ask for financial compensation. We are even dismayed at the Real Estate person who might have also taken the "tank by the tap" and simply asked us a simple, friendly question. Apparently, she wasn't in on this "buzz".
I'll bet somebody has got to pay for lawyers fees now.

We called the furnace folks to get info as well as Marc and Sue our neighbours who through Mark's company installed the hot water heater. They sent us our bill of sale. Sue must have dug very deep.
Much to our surprize it was 10 yeas ago! Thanks Sue and Mark!

Reliance Heating took longer to help us. Eventually over two days and between them and us, we discovered that the Missus had possibly asked for service and gave the wrong address. Our Orillia address included the word "North" because in Orillia there is the same address- only "South". We have had this problem for 25 years. The "southern" address would frequently leave the word "south" off their return address when mailing letters or leave the direction off delivery orders when calling for pizza or prescriptions. We even had police officers at our front door from time to time over the years!
I will say no more...

The man at Reliance was helpful but it took a while to discover that since we bought our furnace and hot water heater- without financing, we were no longer on their books as the initial warranty had run its course. Looking closer, the Missus had probably requested service at the address- leaving out "north". It just happened to fit that "south" had a rental hot water heater and furnace. We don't know how the billing worked or how she came to the conclusion that we were at fault.
The story hasn't ended- yet.
Tom and I haven't heard back from our lawyer.
Good times...

At Maple Bay with Salt Spring Island in the Background

We got a gal to cut our hair. Sharlene's shop is called The Little Hair Shoppe. We see her Saturday to give it a go.
Poor Sharlene.
We told her Colleen- back in Orillia, had cut our hair for 24 years! Not much to live up to!

We also have a chiropractor- Dr. Burry. Our first appointment is this coming Tuesday.
In the meantime, Yaz Yamaguchi and his magic hands at the Duncan Farmer's Market will make us feel better.

Here in Duncan where we live, we are 10 minutes from the ocean and Salt Spring Island so Thursday we spent a couple of relaxing hours at Maple Bay.
Refreshing Pacific waters. We stuck our feet in.

Tootsies in the Pacific
The Sunshine was warm at 28c.
There were Sailboats and Kayakers. Trawlers and Motor Boats in the bay.
A little girl- probably about 10 years old and just home from school, seemed to float on the calm water, rowing along the shoreline in her turquoise blue rowboat- with just enough room for her, the oars and maybe one more. It was a picture.

Maple Bay Thursday Sept 28, 2017 Temp: 28c
We are looking forward to seeing our new house this weekend. It has been hard not to go to the site during the week since it's only two minutes from our apartment but we diligently wait to be surprized every weekend.

Have a great weekend whatever you decide to do.