Friday, June 17, 2011

ROBBLOG #280 W E E K E N D Edition

“Do you hear that commotion out there?”- Betsy asked as she went out her morning duties in her housestall. “It sounds like a whole herd of cattle.”

“Well Dear, we are living on a Farm.”- Lilloweth chimed. Miss Lilloweth lived in the housestall right next door to Betsy.

Both stalls were quite homey. Bric-a-brac lined shelves in Betsy’s housestall. She had a smart, compact cow-kitchen, where she made tea and baked her secret-recipe scones. Red gingham curtains framed the window at the far end of the housestall. Next door at Lilloweth’s stall she had hung faux leopard skin curtains on the two by four window. African knick-knacks were everywhere- Lilloweth loved stories about Africa and she hoped to travel there one day. Above her colour television set on the south wall hung a sturdy shelf where here reliable, old Philco radio sat. It was usually turned on and this morning was no exception.

The windows in both housestalls looked out to the southwest side of the barn across to a lovely patch of fertile, green grass next to the farmhouse that stood along its edge.

“Goodness Gracious!”- Betsy said a moment or two later. “What in Bovine Heaven’s name is that noise?”

“Hollar up to Helen. She’ll know.” Added Lilloweth as she picked up a dust cloth and shooed away the “bunnies” scattered beneath her bed. She hummed along with the radio, which was playing a snappy country tune.

“That’s a good idea. I’ll see if she’s in. Helen. Helen Dear. Are you reading me?”
Betsy called up a few stalls away. Helene lived in a beautiful. Modern stall right near the barn door. It was decorated in pink and fuchsia and always smelled of fresh gardenias.

“Helen. Helen. Are you in?” Betsey tried again and stopped a moment to listen for a reply.

“Yes My Dear. I am here. Just watching Marilyn Dennis over on CTV and I had to turn the sound down before I answered you.” Helen was delightful. Always happy. Always dressed to the nines and always in the know.

“How is Marilyn this morning?”

“Just fine. I love the shoes she’s scrunching those Darling tootsies of hers into. They’re a glorious red colour. Beet Red- with just a bit of sequins across the toes. Fabulous Dear. I wonder if they come in size 24 Double D?” Helen stopped talking.

“You could always look on the Internet thing Dear but I wouldn’t get my hopes up.”

“What did you need Dear?” Helen got to the point.

“I was wondering if you knew what the commotion was all about. Lilloweth and I are curious.” Betsy was about to say it sounded like a herd or something when Lilloweth butt in.

“Helen sweetie.” Lilloweth called up the stalls, “ I wasn’t wondering at all. Betsy brought it up. The commotion was disturbing her. I was listening to Johnny Reid’s new song on the Philco.”

“Of course you were Dear. That Johnny Reid’s a real cutie- isn’t he?”

“I’ll say!” Lilloweth continued. “Almost as milky as Farmer Frank and we all know for me, that’s saying a bunch! I love me my Farmer Frank!”

“We know Lilloweth. We know!” Helen chuckled. "Betsy Dear- are you still there?”- Helen asked ever so politely before continuing.

“Yes Helen. I am still here. So what’s up? Do you know?

“It could be the new girl arriving. Farmer Frank was bringing in some new young thing from over at South Creek Farm. I heard him telling Jerry the Hired Hand last week.”

“I’ll bet that’s it then!”- Betsy cried! “It’ll be the new gal. Ladies. Shouldn’t we amble out to see and say welcome?”

“Oh, I suppose Betts. That would be the neighbourly thing to do. Let me shut off the Philco and grab my hat.” Lilloweth reached up and clicked off the Philco. She snatched her hat from the sideboard and trotted next door to Betsy’s housestall.

Betsy was wrapping a hoofful of new straw she kept in the straw jar on the kitchen counter. “We’ll just take this along for a gesture of welcome. Lilloweth can you write a couple of words in this blank card while I finish?”
“Sure thing Betts.” Lilloweth picked the pen and started to compose.

“I’ll call Helen and see if she’s ready. Helen! Helen! Are you ready?”

Helen called back. “Yes Dear. By the time you two get up here. I’ll be waiting.”

“Okay. See you in a bit.” Betsy ended her call just as Lilloweth was sealing the envelope with the welcome card stuffed carefully inside. The gals left Betsy’s housestall and walked up the aisle towards the barn door and Helen’s housestall.

“I hope the new gal feels at home here. It’s so hard to move to some new barnyard- isn’t it?” Betsy asked Lilly.

“Yes Doll. It’s a bit of a harrowing experience. I have said it before and I say it again, we are all so lucky to be under Farmer Frank’s watchful eye and care.”

“You have that right sister!” They both smiled.

Helen was waiting for them. She was wearing a beautiful yellow bonnet trimmed in silk daisies. The gals exchanged pleasantries and they turned towards the big barn door to exit into the cowyard.

“There’s the little waif. Over there!” Betsy pointed with glee.

“Oh My Goodness!”- Helen sighed. “She’s just a bit of a thing."

“Oh Dear. She looks positively frightened half to death.”-added Lilloweth. “Lets’ show her some kindness.

The girls tromped over to the new arrival. One by one they introduced themselves. The Young Miss actually seemed more relaxed and even tried to smile faintly. She told the gals her name was Fanny.

“Oh Goodness! Such a name for a bit of a thing.”- said Helen. “Don’t you worry Dear. You have friends here.
Betsy and Lilloweth concurred.

“Let’s get you inside and settled and then we’ll show you around the place.”- Lilloweth urged Fanny to follow them to the barn. They all took one of Fanny’s packed boxes to lighten her load. “I believe you’ll be in housestall 223. At least that’s the one that Farmer Frank has been working on this week. Here it is.”

They all stopped in front of number 223.
Betsy spoke first.
“He’s made sure it’s all neat and tidy. A pair of country curtains on that window there- that is if you like the country-look Fanny?"
“Oh I do. Indeedy, I do. It’s lovely.” Fanny seemed pleased.

“Put a rug on the floor, hang a couple of pictures on the walls and it’ll soon seem like home.” Betsy could picture the competed housestall.

“I am sure it will.” Fanny spoke softly. “I don’t know how to repay you three.”

“There’s nothing to re-pay Dear. We are all happy to do it for you. We want you to feel like you belong.” Helen was sincere.

“Oh and Farmer Frank is the best. So kind and so strong and nice looking too- for a human.” Lilloweth smiled.

“Lilly here has a thing for Farmer Frank- especially when he removes his plaid shirt when the sun gets too warm!” Betsy laughed.
“Oh stop it. You’ll have the girl thinking all kinds of things!”- Lilloweth was flushed. She could feel it in her cheeks.

They all chuckled. Fanny set down her box and Helen, Betsy and Lilloweth set their down right next to Fanny’s.

“We’ll give you an hour or so Fanny,”- said Betsy, “Then we’ll meet you outside under the willow tree and give you the grand tour.

“Yes, I would like to freshen up a bit and find my camera. I know it’s packed in one fo these boxes- somewhere.” Fanny began to look a little overwhelmed at the prospect of unpacking.

“Dear.”- interrupted Helen. “Take your time. I’m sure your camera is in that box that says ‘electronics’.” Helen pointed a manicured hoof to the largest of the 4 boxes. “ So have a boo there. Sit for a bit. I’ll bring you a lemon tee while you open up that box. I’ll be back in a sec.” Helen left for her housestall on the other side of the door.
“Look, we’ll see you in a bit outside. Take your time for goodness sake.”- said Betsy.

“You will like it here. We promise. Bye!”

Lilloweth and Betsy walked back to the big barn door. As they did they heard Helen’s tea kettle whistling a happy tune.

“Fanny will feel better with a good hot cup of tea inside her stomachs.”- Betsy chimed.

“Oh yes. Best thing for a fresh start. Lemon Tea.”

Lilly followed Betts out the door into the warm morning air.