Monday, April 20, 2020

ROBBLOG #833-What's That Now?

Cripes! History can repeat itself- sort of...

More on that in a moment.
First, if you have been trying to comment on my blog of late, it's futile.
The comment section is non-operational.
It's closed.
It's dead like Monty Python's parrot.
It has stopped breathing.
It is no more.
Write a note on a scrap of vellum, stick it in a bottle and send it out to sea.

Good old history.
We may go for a repeat.
The Mister and I want to find out just how much our Island property is worth. I mean investment-wise as in "investing in a new property".
I hear you- What's that now?

This may be a shot in the dark but circumstances have lead us in this general direction.
Things change.
Times change.
Attitudes change.
I am much too old to be tested and quite frankly, I don't have the time.

We've been waiting and hoping this covid thing would be finished before we made a move to have an evaluation done. It has also taken considerable chatting, talking, argumentative moments and threats but I think we are going to give it a whirl to evaluate what we have- if anything.

As for this covid thing here in British Columbia and certainly on Vancouver Island, it has flattened but some people got a different memo. On Saturday there were way too many people on sidewalks and trails walking and biking, not giving way as if it were a new world believing the old "new" one had crumbled. However, it's not a new new world yet and it's unlikely to be so soon-despite what some crackpots are saying in the media.

Anyway, I am reminded of a few years back when we asked agents to give us an idea of our property's worth. It didn't exactly work.
In the end we marketed and sold our house ourselves and sold it for more than 150 thousand dollars over the price that had been suggested by the professionals. In hindsight we should have gone another 30 thousand over our list price.
One learns but we did save massive fees and that helped us sail west.

We have seen some marvellous neighbourhoods here in the Cowichan over the past three years and in the past couple of weeks another half dozen more we didn't even know existed. When we took our first trip here to scout around and actually buy a property, we should have been more thorough.
A week of time and a guide to show us around would have been the ticket.

I would suggest to anyone reading this blog who is planning on escaping eastern "winters" for western Mediterranean winters, a good bit of looking around should be a prerequisite
I thought I had done my homework- keeping in mind that prices were ridiculous three years back. Not that they are totally better today but there is some wiggle room.
Unfortunately, a shack with two bedrooms and one bath can still run you over a million dollars and there is a selection of shacks to be had if you have "shack" interest.
We don't.
Although, if this current house has made us some cash we would look for our next home in a "mature" neighbourhood.

Mature means 25 years of aging.
Like a pretty good red wine.
Big trees.
Full shrubs.
A real neighbourhood feel like we had back in Ontario, only with a partial ocean or mountain view.
If it looks like an opportunity exists, we'll leave.

Stand by...
Oh and start to save your boxes for us.