We all remember that delightful little letter that Virginia wrote to Santa many years ago. Well, what if Virginia and Santa kept up the correspondence over the years...
Dear Virginia Adams,
It’s just me again. Santa Claus.
I wrote to you last only a week ago and I really appreciate the time you took to answer me.
I looked up your last name in my big book of names. Virginia Adams- what a perfectly lovely name!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Goodness me, Christmas is almost here...again!
Did you know that writing to you gives me a clean, fresh perspective on many events in our world today? It is calming somehow to read your replies.
I wonder a lot these days about this country CANADA and this big old world of ours.
I wonder and worry about those right-wingers like Mr. Scheer and that terrible Mr. Ford in Ontario. Oh Virginia, they believe they are doing the right thing for people but in reality they are beginning to tear the very fabric of this wonderful country apart.
I worry about that.
It bothers me.
I really does. Like the price of Miss Coco Peru's Panettone.
Well, Ho Ho Ho, any smart person in the world knows that old Santa is a Canadian through and through.
Yes, those Americans always like to think I am one of them and really if it hadn’t been for their
Coca-Cola commercials and Clement Moore’s poem, I still might be back there in the “Dark Ages”- the 1900 hundreds! However, my heart is firmly planted in the True North Strong and Free! Oh Dear, with that Mr. Trump all set to "eat a peach" and be jailed, I mean we can only feel sorry for their current state of affairs. Between you and me Virginia that Sarah Sanders will get nothing but coal in her size double large stockings this year.
I know I shouldn't speak of size Dear Virginia and I shan't but really pearls with every dreadful little dress she wears?
Dreadful taste.
Oh and while we are there our own Chrystia Freeland needs to take a moment for a re-do. Some of her outfits makes Mr. Clause cringe and Dear Virginia some of the things Mrs. Claus says are downright funny if not the complete and utter truth!
Virginia, I was reading the newspaper over the weekend and I see even more young people are being shot- many on the streets of cities right her in Canada.
Why is this?
This never used to be a consideration. What has happened to my children?
I believe seeing all those murders on the big screen and on the television in their own homes gives a twisted view of our world. Killing is made to look easy and no one pays the price in make-believe land.
Oh my stars, the unsuitable language too.
It goes on and on.
Now Virginia, how can the Chinese hold those two Canadian Gentlemen hostage? It's a game that kids play. You have one of ours so I'll take two of yours.
What has happened to love Virginia. Simple love. Where has it gone?
That is beyond me Virginia.
Why in this day of medical miracles are so many people unwell? There are cancers, new diseases, world-wide flu outbreaks and more. Maybe we just hear about these terrible things since our media is world-wide in this new age.
Where did the 1950's go?
Wasn't life simpler then? I can tell you it was indeed.
Oh Goodness. Look at me asking you. A child, although I believe you are very smart Virginia Adams. Very smart!
I was just saying to Mrs. Clause the other night you'd think in this day we live in, we'd have the answers to everything.
Living together.
Loving each other.
Healthy living.
How Cadbury's get's the Caramilk into those chocolate squares...
Oh My!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Time flies just like my reindeer. New cellular phones come out every month or two and television screens gets bigger- and thinner. Mr. Branson is testing planes to take folks to the outer edge of outer space.
Goodness Me!
Well Virginia, I best run. Time to feed the reindeer and my “Olive”- the other Reindeer, has a bit of a cold, so I am personally attending to her recovery.
Write when you can.
Your friend,
Dear Santa,
Nice to hear from you and I am absolutely thrilled every time I receive a note from you.
I can't imagine how busy you are at this special Holiday time of the year!
I think the politicians today are full of baloney for the most part. At least I hear my Dad say that from time to time and golly, I have to agree. I don't understand everything that goes on these days with governments around the world but then who does?
Santa, why does everyone have to hurt everyone else? We should be living in Peace and Harmony.
It's a simple thing to do- isn't it?
Somebody’s always got to be bullying someone.
This is wrong.
As far as the shootings and illnesses, I sure wish I had an answer to that one.
It's a conundrum.
My Grandma says that word a lot when she doesn't get something.
If I had one answer for you, it would be a simple one.
Just simplify our lives in everything we do. Like the 1050's you mention in your letter.
Yes, I believe that bad things happen to many good people. It’s just a case of being in the wrong place. If someone gets very ill, I guess they have just pulled that particular card from the deck of life but if we all took some time to just be kind and nice to one another, what a wonderful world we would live in.
I hope this helps.
I know I'm not as smart as you but I still have some opinions and things to say.
I hope Olive gets better real quick too.
Write again when you get a chance.
Your friend,
Virginia Adams