Sunday, July 4, 2021

ROBBLOG #886- Then I Saw Her Face


The "church" has been in the news of late- hasn't it?

What with the Catholics in shit with their residential schools and treatment of indigenous kids, to the Pope sitting on his gold throne refusing to recognize or at least ignoring the past and the need to say something.

Personally he could fart an apology and it would mean diddly-squat. Why people are expecting it or saying it's the right thing to do is beyond me. The sooner governments stop funding churches the better for all. Well, maybe not the churches...

Anyhoo, not to dwell on all things religious, I felt I needed to tell you of a remark made to The Mister and I earlier this week. There was a general discussion about something or other when the person who had the floor turned to us and said- "I know you're non-believers but I am going to tell you this story all the same." 

"Pardon me?"- I thought. "Non- Believer?"
I bit my tongue.

The teller of the tale commenced to tell us of a church-goer who was down on her luck. It seems a bunch of the flock from this particular church got together and prayed real hard. They clenched their fists and clasped their anus muscles very tightly praying with all their might. I used to clench my teeth when I was a church-boy back in the day. If I had of been a Catholic Lad, I would have been an altar boy- over 16 years of age, praying for extra attention at the end of mass- but that's just me.

Anyhoo, low and behold the angel of the Lord came down and gave the poor Christian Lady a bunch of money. 
That's right- a bunch of money!
I don't think she had references.

If it was that easy to become fluid, I would have been down on my knees a lot more than I was over the years and for a completely different reason too. I know one can make money from "old guys" by getting down on one's knees for the thing one gets down on one's knees for when one needs to make rent. I read it on the Internet...

However, simply wishing and hoping and praying for cash is a whole different aspect to getting down on one's knees. I never knew.

A reasonable facsimile of me sitting and thinking- only without the beard.

After being called a "Non Believer" I was taken aback.
I wanted to be able to have a snappy retort being the Humanist I am but nothing came. I thought about it for a couple of days.
Still nothing.
Damn looking back now, I should have prayed but to who?

I did get an answer eventually.

You see, the words "non believer" are nothing to do with me or The Mister and nothing we need to reply to. The words are part of being immersed in a Christian philosophy not part of an agnostic, atheist or Humanist's life. Christians just need to have a term for those that don't tow the line- besides words like sinners, the fallen and Satan's flock. 

So you see, I wasn't at a loss for a retort. I responded the way I should have by saying nothing.
As the Yorkshire Dales folk across the pond would say- "It's knowt to do with me."

I could have said "Duh" but I didn't.
I could have said "puh-hard-on me?" I did not.
I could have foamed at the mouth. Nope.
I might have called on Satan for help. Being that he's a fallen angel he'd have some measure of displeasure at the comment. Naddah
But, I didn't use any of the above.
I just sat there still as you like, smiling sweetly, sipping away at my morning coffee.

What a good boy am I!!