1. There might be an election on the horizon- not that I would vote in one ever again. Ever. Those "Matrons" that ruled the poll where I voted last time can go straight to hell if they're not there already.
You can go back to a Blog I wrote after the last election day to see what the hub-bub was all about. Now for the other minions and millions that will cast a ballot, I sincerely hope that the Prime Minister- Justin, gets a freeking haircut before he expects anyone to vote for him in that mad do of his.
He looks like the trapper that came in from the cold.
2. So those military guys who went golfing. What a sad little story. No meat to that one. A fucking game of golf so they can do the "buddy" thing and talk about another officer's tits. I am surmising here. Why they might even talk about a female officer's body parts too. Look, can't we spice these stories up a bit. Picture four military men with square jaws and perfectly trimmed neck hair entering a sauna, stripped down to their bits and bites. They sit down side by side where, perhaps, occasionally their thighs touch- occasionally. Now wouldn't that make a better story- albeit they would all have to be consenting adults
to be sure and to be sure it's wrong talking about anyone's tits
3.Did you read about the BC guy who stopped his vehicle to help a car and its driver that had driven off the road into a ditch. As the story goes, he left his keys in his vehicle and while he was playing the Good Samaritan with them, somebody drove off with his. What did Mother always say?
Don't leave your keys in the ignition- Good Samaritan or not. Damn!
4. From this moment on, I am to be known as Rob (He/Him). Step up everyone.
5. Canada leads the world in the share of National Populations who have been vaccinated against Covid. Is Mr O'Toole eating crow yet? How about that leader of the NDP who is as much a whiner as any conservative- nationally or provincially. To think I coulda voted for him. He coulda been a contender. Now, all he'll do is fuck up a majority win for the Liberals- if there is to be a summer or autumnal election, which if you refer to point #1- I am not voting in anyway...
6. That David What's His Name who came to fame on one of those "Let me Show You I Can Sing" programmes has come out "Bi". Now, I know he has a good voice and I even play his Christmas Songs on both radio stations during the Holidays but dang, I thought he was Gay- and I've only seen him once or twice- but dang- I could have sworn he was Gay or on his way to Gay. I guess when he hit the fork in the road he stood there having no idea which branch to take. Dang....
7. The UK may renege on their plans on wide re-opening after Covid. It seems PM Boris wants more time. There's a worry about the Delta virus making a mess of things across England. Meanwhile back in Canada the Premier of Ontario is moving ahead with re-opening his province and stirring up shite by invoking the Notwithstandingclause which he is doing because....well really, just to be a dick. Ontarians are now wondering if there are any more Fords coming along to dash all hopes of ever being Canada's favourite province again. Meanwhile, back in the UK, Andrew Lloyd Webber says he'll open his theatres hennaway, which may result in him going to jail. Sounds like an idea for a new musical...
8. Those two kids- you know the cute guy and the girl who's had too much plastic surgery, who are suspects in a Hamilton murder, have been found by police in Hungary. I didn't even know Hungary had police. Also I mean Hamilton the City- not the musical.
9. I hear that Nova Scotia fishermen are looking for the whale that swallowed that guy off Provincetown the other day. They expect the whale to swim with a swisssy sound and it's fins will be a little limp. There's also been a report that the fishermen have invited Jason Kenny out for a swim- once the whale's been located.
10. Someone has found a painting by David Bowie in a dump. Bette Davis found a house once that was also a dump. The finder of the Bowie picture paid five dollars for it. I saw it. They paid too much. I have a painting of flowers in a vase that I am almost pretty sure was painted by Monet. I found it in a thrift shop. I also paid 5 dollars for it. I even thought about telling the world that I have it and become rich and famous but I'm not going to. I know that sounds stupid but at least I know for certain my stupidity is real.
...and dats dat. Another 'DIS and 'Dat.