Saturday, February 27, 2021

ROBBLOG #873- Nudge, Nudge. Jab, Jab.


It used to be people were saying- "hot enough for you, do you think spring will ever come or when will the Conservatives pull their lips over their heads and..."

Now, these days people are asking- "So when do you think you'll get your shot?"
This bugger of a thing called covid is the reason.
It's hard to believe we've been doing the covid shuffle for a year now and the year is likely to morph into a year and a half- if not more.

I think we're pretty lucky that pharmaceutical companies have been able to develop and manufacture so many little bottles of a vaccine that will shoot covid in the ass quickly. I know it's not quick enough for many of us but that's how it works.
Just think of all the money that glass company is hauling in making all those little bottles!

I would like to have my shot now so maybe I can return to a normal life but then everyone around me will have to get the shot as well to allow life to return to some state of normalcy. I think the earliest I could expect to receive the vaccine is perhaps late spring or by the end of July. Here in British Columbia we are being stacked in age levels. Actually, front liners are first as the name suggests then First Nations and care homes. At least I think that's how it's been working. 
Sometimes it can all be so confusing.
Not as confusing as the Ford Government's pronouncements in good old Ontario. Everyone makes covid announcements in that province- even the Butcher, Baker and Candlestick maker.
I wonder if Ford will be kicked in the "willnots" at the next election.
It shouldn't be a surprize to most Ontarians how he's dealing with the covid crisis.
YOU voted for him after all.

Anyhoo, back to British Columbia, we have the mild-mannered Dr. Bonnie telling us almost daily what's what in the covid world.
Poor old Dr. B.
She's beginning to sound like an old 78 r.p.m. record stuck in a slot. I don't even take the time to listen to her these days and six months ago I waited patiently for her report at 3:15 PM Pacific Time.

So, after the Front-Liners, Retirement and Care Facilities and Tribes, the plateau for receiving shots starts at over 80's then 75 to 79's. 70 to 74's and so on.
If it doesn't happen by the end of July I'll be in line for the 70 to 74 jabs.

I wish- like many others, that it was a free-for-all.
Put the vaccine in place at the local church hall and open it up for 24 hour a day for shots in the arm until the vaccine runs out. If you want a shot bad enough, all you have to do is get your ass to the hall and praise Jesus when you feel the little prick.
That doesn't sound right- does it?

Unfortunately, this is not the way those in command see it it happening. They have to make our lives even more difficult by making even more rules. Wouldn't it be simpler to open it up now and jab away at those of us who make the effort to make our own way to the church hall with a Tim Horton's cup in one hand and a bare arm boldly raised in anticipation of the vaccine. It seems that that solution would be too easy.

What if one day a week it was open season.
Say every Thursday from 9 to 9 it's a "shot free for all" and all those in attendance get a coupon for 10% off at A&W.
It could work.

Now that all these companies are promising hundreds of thousands of shots- maybe millions, to be delivered in March and April, it only makes sense we get it out of the refrigerators and freezers and into our arms where it belongs.

Of course like the head of the Canada Pension Plan- Mark Machin, we could fly to the United Empire Emirates and get a jab there claiming we are in the country for "personal reasons".
wink-wink, nudge nudge,
say no more...