Sunday, February 1, 2015


My Niece and her wife are in Cuba.
Friends of ours- they just happened to meet while frolicking in the warm Hispanic waters, are also in Cuba. Small world.
My Sister and her Husband are somewhere in Florida- since the day after Boxing Day.
My Cousins are in the Port Charlotte area on the Gulf Coast. They left in early January and return in April. They now own their own place- after a one month stay to try it out back in November.
Tom and I are sitting in the bone-chilling cold of Orillia, Ontario, Canada.
I dunno. I just asked him that question
He said it was because of our two dogs and two cats and the requirement of a house sitter.
Poor, lame excuse!
This from the fellah who just got back from London's 10 degree Celsius temps.
Not a heat wave but 30+ degrees warmer than here.
Earlier in the week he was in Mainz- not far from Frankfurt. Some forsythia blooms were out.
Spring is coming to Europe.
Winter's chill remains here in Canada.
To be fair, on Vancouver Island in both Victoria and Sidney, temps are 10+ too and the sun is shining most days. In a couple of weeks buds will start to burst and tulips and other spring plants will peek their heads above the earth.
 Sidney B.C.
Don't believe me?
Got to and look at the webcams.
I had high hopes that this might be the year he retires and we look at our future. A place away from this damn cold and snow. The year 2015, I know, is not over. I am talking the "seasonal year".
When it's minus something, I rarely venture outside. Add the feeking unbelievable wind chills we've been experiencing this winter and I turn on both fireplaces and zip up the thermostat and slip into a bare of shorts. I have a vibrant imagination and I believe I can feel the trade winds on my face.
The winter-lovers- those bastards, tell me that our green Christmas was but a month ago...
Oh go F*** yourselves.
I say that with all the love in my heart which at -27 is not much.
Well, what more can I say?
At least I got it all off my mind...and it is February after all.