Monday, September 1, 2014


I've been noticing We are losing our identity as a country. It's the little things.

Radio stations calling themselves Kool and KICX and KX Country. US stations west of the Mississippi have call letters beginning with “K”. East of the river its “W”.
Cheque- as in writing one, spelled check. Guest check or to check off items on a list is check.
Cheque is something you get from your bank.
Colour is not color.
Programme is not program.
Labour Day is not Labor Day.
Neighbourhood is not neighborhood.
Theatre is not theater.
Not a through street is not "dead end". Duh...
A chesterfield is not a sofa or couch nor is pop a soda.
Thanksgiving is NOT about the Pilgrims just giving thanks and eating turkey and the
bounties of the land. 

Black Friday is just Friday. Nothing else- except it’s like Boxing Day.
Economy is the seating area behind the blue curtain on a flight- not coach. 

Zero is not Zee-Row. It’s Zeer- Oh.
Temperatures are in Degrees Celcius- not Fahrenheit.
Sliced bacon is just that sliced bacon. Canadian Bacon is something we do not have but we do have Peameal Bacon.
A washroom is like a bathroom- usually it's for public use but it's not a toilet.
We wipe our mouth after eating with a serviette- not a napkin.
A toboggan is not a sleigh. A sleigh has runners a toboggan does not.
We go outside- not outdoors.
I could go on eh, however, I'll leave it where it's at.