Friday, April 30, 2021

ROBBLOG #878- And Then, One Day


I was chatting with my Mum.
"I just had dinner with your Father."- she says.

She continued. "Yes, we don't see each other that often these times but it is nice when we do. It reminds me of all that earth time we had together."

"You mean, earth down here?" I wasn't sure what she meant.

"Oh down there. Around there. Over and up there. In there. It's a matter of perception." - Mum says.

"Perception? You must be learning new words while you're away. That's a a 25 cent word- as you'd say."

"I guess it is!" I could tell she was smiling. "I have lots of time to do what I wish and be where I want. Must be hard for you to understand what I mean."


"One day all will be revealed and you'll say oh yeah." Mum sounded like herself in one way but not in another.

"Is it difficult to talk like this?- I quickly asked. Sometimes she didn't talk long and scooted away without much notice.

"Not too bad."
I could tell she was thinking or bothered.
"I just have to sort of fenegal my way back to how it was. You have to be in the mood and rely on misty memories to talk this way."

"I appreciate it when you do but sometimes it is hard for me. Being open I mean."

"You've always been open."- Mum says. You're receptive. Spiritual. Waiting there for the message.
It gets busy at times- doesn't it?"

"Yes, it does. Did you know about this when you were around?"

"Around?" Mum went quiet. "Oh damn. You mean around there where you are. Yes and no. I knew you were my "different child".

"Different?...Oh the Gay thing!" I thought I had nailed it.

"For goodness sakes no- although that was a part of of your learning experience. Mine too- and Dad's.
I remember it being tough. Your Dad and I worried and struggled."

"You did?" I hadn't heard that before.

I mean, "I hadn't heard that before from you here. Before. When you were here. With us."

Mum was quick. "I know what you meant before you said it. It happens fast that way now and you are already well-tuned so it comes quite fast. You'll know what I mean eventually. You think it and hear it and I have it and I understand. That's a big change for myself here. It must sound strange to you..."

I shrugged. "It does I must admit and there are times when I think I am making it all up."

"You're not. I am telling you now. You are not! It's there for everyone if they care to use it. Your Grandmother Lillian says hi and Judy just spirited in. She knew the connection was open.
I know you have sentences with her now and then."

"Sentences?"- I asked.

"Yes. Short and sweet pieces of reality." She laughed.

"Now that does not sound like you at all Mum!"- I was a bit taken aback.

"Oh Dear. Sorry. I try to meet your consciousness. It's difficult sometimes. I feel you want to go Rob."

"I do and I don't. I get a little sad and I have some tears." I mumbled.

"Normal- for you. Healthy I believe your medical people would say. Your Dad just came by in a flash. Twenty- nine years next week for him. He's off to play lacrosse he says."

"Really Mum?"

"Yes. That's what he says."

"Oh." I go quiet for a second.


"I'm here Mum. Just thinking..."

"That's good."

"You know Mum it's seven years today April 30th?" I waited for her response. It was a long pause.

"Is that so...I'm waiting for you, you know. I always will. Then one day..."

"I'll see you once again."

She laughed- "Oh, you'll see alright."

and she was gone all in what seemed a jumbled flash in time.
I do miss her and I always will...

Then, one day...