Saturday, October 19, 2013


It’s kind of a strange autumn.
Our two large Maple trees are devoid of their leaves and yet other trees and shrubs in the yard- like our red maple, lilacs and choke cherries are still green. Of course, the honey locust trees are still green too. They stay green every year until everything else has turned colour.
The mountain ash is loaded with orangey-red berries- a sign that winter may be harsh or will it be?
So far, temps have been fairly moderate and walking Missy- our mini-schnauzer around the neighbourhood while still wearing shorts and flipflops- in October no less, is strange to say the least.
Global warming may just keep another winter mild and offer us only a smattering of snow.
That would be all right by me.
I hate the white stuff.
The shovelling, the slush, the slippery roads- whiteouts.
If I want to see snow, I can look at a photograph, do a Goggle search or watch White Christmas- the movie.
Come to think of it, global warming is an integral part of the story of White Christmas. Who would have thought that Global warming had its beginning in a Christmas Film- in VistaVision no less!
You see, Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye- Bob Wallace and Phil Davis, travel all the way to Pine Tree Vermont to stay close to the Hanes Sisters- Rosemary Clooney and Vera Allen. However, Vermont- even though it’s all “Vermonty” except for a distinct lack of snow, is actually warmer than Florida. On the train ride to Vermont the “kids” do sing a song about snow using cute little props made from the wintry decorations on the table in the dining car. However, as they step down from the train all they see is the green, green grass of home- or rather Pine Tree.
This unnatural warm spell sucks for the Columbia Inn’s owner and former General Thomas Waverley. See the boys were under his command in WW II and now that it’s the mid-50’s we find the General retired and he’s sunk all his cash and savings into this Country Inn- called the Columbia.
How Yankee Doodle is that?
These days the General is under the command of housekeeper and self-proclaimed busybody Emma- played by Mary Wickes- my favourite character in the film.
So, it appears things aren’t going so well- what with a lack of snow, as the holidays approach.
Columbia Inn-White Christmas
After mild days and cool nights Bing and Danny- who are in show biz…
I forgot to mention that didn’t I? Oh yes, the Hanes Sisters are show biz gals too.
So, Danny and Bing bring their whole New York show up to Pine Tree to help the General out.
The weather stays warm as Christmas Eve approaches and as luck would have it, during the show the snow starts to fall, the cast sings White Christmas and curtain.
Without that freakishly warm December over in Pine Tree Vermont, there just wouldn’t have been a White Christmas- the movie. Thanks to Global warming there wouldn’t even have been a plot.
The weather guys aren’t saying too much right now about winter but take heart and watch White Christmas now- the Global warming movie.
It’s on Netflix if you don’t own your own copy.